Brilliantly Branded – A Figured Wood Treasure Trove

Brand Identity Creation
Logo and Custom Graphics
Brand and Tagline Creation
Website Build
Co-created custom, targeted website copy
SEO Details - file names, pages & products

A supplier of the finest craft woods, this business was originally named Craftwood Suppliers. A very obvious name for what the business sells; but one that isn’t very memorable and didn’t strike the fancy of owner, Sara T’eo. She shared the name that excited her, the one that had only been living in her dreams at that point – and the spirit and brand of Wood Dragon Hoard began to emerge.
Through multiple brand strategy sessions and a significant amount of effort put into thoughtfully answering the questions in BE is for Brand’s custom developed brand strategy worksheets – the dragon came to life through brand style and voice. In addition, the functionality and content of the site was improved and the addition of a wholesale version of the site is launching this business to new levels!
Brand Strategy Development
Wholesale Client Login with Net Terms
Website User Testing
Brilliantly Branded Content Creation for the Wood Dragon Hoard
From a mega menu drop down, to a dynamic multi-image header, smart categories, a wholesale login that automatically displays wholesale pricing, special discounts and net terms – this Shopify site flexes the muscle that other e-commerce platforms can’t handle with the same ease of use.
The rich content that was developed is apparent in the about, the process, types of wood, customer work and testimonies and FAQ pages. Special care was taken with the brand voice and the gentle but firm roar of the dragon imbues this site with warmth and inspiration. Take a moment to peruse the images below to experience the dragon and its figured wood treasure trove.
Logo Design
The Dragon came alive in the logo along side a hibiscus and kapa inspired patterning, as a nod to Hawai’i and the gorgeous woods ethically imported from the islands. Embracing the ancient lore around dragons, the font selection is old world and playful. This logo is an attention grabber and naturally piques the curiosity encouraging one to find out more.
Click the images below to expand

The website is not only generating sales but has opened up potential with the incorporation of the wholesale side of the business. The Wood Dragon Hoard retail customers enjoy shopping the site, the ease of navigating to their favorite cuts and types of beautifully figured wood – plus the inspiration they receive from the gorgeous photographs of fellow customer work sprinkled throughout the site. Its wholesale customers are now able to choose their purchase terms and view their discount as they browse the catalogs saving their time time on manual or mental calculations.